The only place you have to be in Real Estate.

Employed to Eight-Figure Real Estate Investor
An open letter to Self Starters who want to multiply their net worth by investing in Real Estate
Real estate investing is the ultimate dream.
You buy a few properties. Rent them out. Quit your 9-to-5 and enjoy a steady stream of passive income (and tax benefits)! Except…
You’ve tried. And it’s not that easy.
Maybe you’ve already invested in real estate with the little money you had…and got burned. So you think “I’m never investing again.”
Maybe you already dropped a full month’s salary on another real estate coaching program – and it didn’t move the needle a single inch.
Maybe you want to start investing for the first time – but you don’t know where to begin. So you find yourself devouring books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad. And ransacking Bigger Pockets and Reddit forums for answers to your questions. At this point, you’ve probably watched so many Youtube videos that you could qualify for an MBA at Youtube University.
But still… you feel stuck. You wonder…
- How do I know if a deal is worth it?
- How should I finance a deal?
- Should I set up an LLC for the property? Or purchase it personally?
- Should I invest in a short-term or long-term rental?
- How do I get started?!

When it comes to real estate investing, there’s a LOT to think about (so it’s no wonder you feel paralyzed by overwhelm)!
If only you could press fast-forward and skip to the part where you have a steady stream of passive income…
Or maybe you’re held back by all the things you “don’t” have:
- I don’t have the money to invest in real estate
- I don’t have the experience or skills to invest
- I don’t live near a big city… so how can I possibly start investing?
But what if I told you that you don’t need money
or experience to invest in real
estate. And you can invest anywhere.
I built a $17 million project - without using any of my own money

When I started thinking about investing in real estate, I had no extra money available. I was 36 years old and had a job that barely made ends meet. My credit card debt was stacked so high that I couldn’t even think about putting money down for a real estate property.
But then I discovered syndication. Where two or more investors come together to raise capital for purchasing real estate or building a new property.
I found a 12-acre property and obtained approval to build an assisted living facility on it. I got the project funded – and completed it within 13 months.
It ended up being a $17 million project. And I did it all without putting up any of my own money.
Rinsed and repeated several times and tested with residential results of 137 deals in one year!
Okay, I know what you might be thinking…

“But that’s so sleazy! I can’t use someone else’s money to fund a project…”
Sure ya can! Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS) do it everyday. People literally have money sitting in the bank. Money that’s losing value as we speak. But if they partner with you, they can actually start putting that money to good use.
You see…
A lot of wealthy people just want you to take their money, invest it and give them a return.
And when you invest that money in real estate, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’ll make at least “some” return on investment.
You don’t need experience.
You need a Dream Team.
Don’t have the experience or special skills to invest in real estate? You don’t need ‘em. If you know how to have a conversation with people, then you have the skills to become a real estate investor.
All you have to do is surround yourself with people who know more than you do.
Remember that assisted living facility project I mentioned? I didn’t know a thing about real estate investment or development when I took on that project. So… I hired a dream team of people to help me out.
I found an architect who had been through the process before. He brought in his team. The township attorney directed me to a skilled planner and engineer. Then I solicited several general contracting bids to help me understand every cost.
Before I knew it, I had my dream team in place.
You see, anyone can invest in real estate. If they have a dream team.

The Formula Works
In Any Demographic!
Logan and Justin invested
in small town in Upstate New York
So what DO you need to be successful in real estate?
Well, it took me years to figure it out. But after a LOT of trial-and-error,
I finally cracked the code to real estate success.
Hi, I’m Ken. I went from being flat broke with six-figures in debt… to becoming the King of Skyscrapers. So if I can become a successful real estate investor… then you can too!
I’ve been investing in real estate for over 30 years. Managing the syndication and development of numerous high-profile real estate investments totaling more than $1.3 BILLION in capital investment.
But I’m not gonna sugarcoat it: It took a LOT of hard work to get to where I am today….
It took me 3.5 years to be accepted into engineering school. And FIVE attempts before I finally passed my professional engineering exam. (Let’s just say that academics were not my strong suit…)
Unfortunately, that engineering degree left me with a big ol’ mountain of six figure debt.

So at age 31, I found myself with a wife, twin infants
and a bank balance of $0.
Literally. I remember at one point leaving a store with two baskets full of baby diapers and formula – and no money left in my bank account. Zero. I thought to myself “well, at least I can feed my babies…”
To make ends meet, I created a “Bring on the Clowns” business from a magic hobby dressing up as a clown doing magic at kids’ events and birthday parties.

(Yeah ok… laugh all you want!)
One day, I was at the campus library when I remembered something I had read while researching different types of investments: 9 out of 10 millionaires attribute their success and wealth to choosing property over the stock market.
I walked into the real estate section and stumbled upon a book that changed my life. In it, I discovered that I could develop real estate using other peoples’ experience and money.
And that’s exactly what I did.
But it wasn’t easy….and I encountered a few setbacks along the way.
When Lehman Brothers crashed in 2008,
we lost $300 million dollars in a single DAY.
And I had no job to fall back on.
To rub salt in the wound, I (still) had a family to take care of – and six-figures worth of debt.
I knew I had to act quickly.
So I started working on a few different skyscraper projects around Manhattan. While soaking up as much knowledge on investing as I could. And then something crazy happened…
I came up with a system for scalable, predictable real estate investing. I used this framework to complete a $17 Million Dollar project – with NO money.
And I started watching my bank account move out of the red… and soar past the six- and seven-figure milestone. Making more money on that single project than most investors make in 10 years.
I went on to build 1,500 luxury high-rise residential units. And manage the syndication and development of high-profile investments totaling more than $1.3 billion.
My point is… You don’t have to be the sharpest tool in the shed to succeed in real estate (I sure wasn’t).
But you DO need…

The Modern Wealth Building Formula
A tried-and-tested formula to making profitable real estate investments.
Based on my 30+years of real estate investing experience.
Jeremy F.
Vasu S.
Brooke V.
Find the *right* deals (the ones that will make you money) that also meet investors criteria for them to jump in.
Raise the funds you need to put the project into action and scale your operations.
Facilitate the process from A-Z, acquire to close, scale, stabilize, manage, and collect the passive revenue.
Ok let’s break that down…
Step 1: Find the Money-Making Deals
First, you’ve gotta lay the groundwork. And ask yourself:
- What are your investment goals, vision and target market?
- What’s your criteria for an investment?
- How will you talk about everything with investors (without blowing the deal)?
‘Cause here’s the thing: Real estate investing is all about relationships. In order to land deals that bring home the bees and honey, you’ve gotta know how to build those relationships, present yourself to investors and get the “YES.”
Step 2: Raise Funds
If you don’t have the money to invest… how will you finance the investment property? Will you get a conventional bank loan? A hard money loan? A private money loan from an investor… or a family friend?
How will you present yourself and the project to ensure you actually *get* the loan? Will you do debt financing or equity financing?
These are just a few things you must consider during the funding stage.
Then, you gotta reduce friction as much as possible using private money techniques (more on that in a bit).
Step 3: Facilitate - Master the Entire Process
So you’ve found the perfect deal. You know how you’re going to fund it. Now you’ve gotta verify the numbers and make an offer with ideal terms. In order to do this right, you have to:
1. Run a “paper napkin analysis” (run all the numbers to make sure the deal meets your investment criteria)
2. Do your due diligence (evaluate financial feasibility, market conditions and comparable values and review property documents… including tax history, flood zone, legal, and building department documents)
3. Lock up the deal (vet and inspect the property itself)
4. Establish a consistent presentation for investors (present the investment, a solution for both parties, facilitation expertise through stabilization, and the exit strategy for maximum profits)
5. Close the transaction
6. Manage the Asset (Hire Property Manager)
7. Collect Passive Revenue
My point is…
With the Modern Wealth Formula,
you CAN be successful in real
estate without:
- Having tens of thousands sitting in the bank
- Struggling to come up with a game plan
- Making the wrong decisions (and losing money) along the way
- Doing everything all on your own
- Going through multiple rounds of trial and error

Tom acquired 6 properties with no money down… using the Modern Wealth Formula
“Being a lawyer, I was skeptical when I met Ken and was challenged by what he was saying about buying real estate with no money down. I took action on his suggestions and within five months, I’ve acquired six properties with no money down for over $2500 in monthly cash flow and asset value exceeding $250,000. The Modern Wealth Formula WORKS!”
My point is…
There’s a limit to what you can do on your own. Sometimes you need an outside perspective to guide you – and show you what you can’t see.
Think about it…
If you’re a baseball player at bat, you can’t see that your right arm is too low. That’s why a coach is there.
Same thing with real estate investing. That outside perspective can make all the difference.
What you need is a mentor. But definitely not one of those fake gurus. You know… the ones who invest in a single property – and then claim to know everything there is to know about real estate investing….
The ones who post flashy photos standing in front of their brand new Porsches and Lamborghinis. As if all you have to do is buy a few properties and BOOM. Millions of dollars flow into your bank account…
Yeah, definitely *not* one of those guys.
(Hey, there’s a reason why there are Youtube videos with tens of thousands of views titled “How to Spot Fake Gurus in Real Estate”!)
You need a mentor who’s actually been through the trenches to help you get that snowball rolling – and then guide you all the way to success.
You need to surround yourself with a community of like-minded, ambitious real estate investors who can provide the accountability and support you need to get your first (or second… or third…) investment off the ground.
If you’re nodding your head right now, then you’re going to love….
You will get lifetime access to my 40 years of commercial and residential real estate expertise packaged together into…
- The "11 Millionaire Secrets" Digital Course
- The "Golden Nuggets" Digital Course
- The "60 Pitfalls to Avoid" Special Report
- The "Financial Freedom Protocol" Digital Course
- The "Real Estate Development Made Simple" Digital Course
- The "Modern Wealth Building Formula" Digital Course
- Lifetime Access to the Global Real Estate Investment Enterprise Library
- Lifetime Access to the Private Facebook Enterprise Community
- Group Consultations with Ken Van Liew
- First Look at the Brand-New "Real Estate Mastery University"

The Global Real Estate Investment Enterprise
The ONLY TENURE (10 Year) group coaching program for anyone
who wants to make a BIG profit from real estate investing.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned in my 30+ years of real estate investing – and turned it into the Global Real Estate Investment Enterprise (the “Enterprise” for short).
An exclusive community of real estate investors and a lifetime group coaching program that will help you nail down the foundation of real estate investing – and take the plunge. No more excuses. No more second-guessing. No more “what do I do next?”
Whether you want to get into commercial or residential… raw land, REITs or real estate crowdfunding… inside the Enterprise, you’ll get the training, coaching and accountability you need to get UNstuck – and make it happen.
You’ll get access to FIVE value-packed courses that will teach you everything you need to know about real estate investing (and when I say “everything” – I mean ever-y-thing).
You’ll discover how to set up the systems, structures, entities and tax advantages you need to succeed in real estate. Complete with templates and worksheets to help you put all that learning into action.
On top of that, you’ll get group coaching with me 3X’s per month (two hours each session). Where we’ll hop on a Zoom call and you’ll be able to share your experience, ask questions and listen in as I (and experienced members) share our advice, successes and failures.
Once a month, we’ll bring in a guest speaker – a real estate legend who will share their secrets to success.
Land Profitable Deals
Discover how to spot good deals – and finance them. Don’t have the funds? You’ll find out how to convince investors that your venture is worth every penny.
Ditch The Overwhelm
Planning 6-12 months in advance makes most of us freeze in overwhelm. I’ll help you overcome that with the Modern Wealth Formula. Broken up into bite-sized steps to help you achieve your goals. One baby step at a time.
Get the confidence to take on *any* real estate project
No more spinning your wheels, wondering what to do next. You’ll get the know-how and confidence to take on *any* real estate investment.
Generate a stable stream of income
Want real estate investing to replace your 9-to-5 income? Achieve FIRE at age 45? Whatever your investing goals are, you’ll get the skills and support you need to make it happen.

Brooke went from cleaning houses to completing two fix-and-flips and one buy-and-hold. Within just 6 months.
“I was cleaning houses when I met Ken. He helped me get my life in order that included presenting myself, organization skills and spirituality…. within six months I completed two fix and flips and my first buy and hold. And today, I just purchased my 2nd buy and hold all because of Ken’s guidance.”
~ Brooke V., cleaning houses to real estate entrepreneur
Get instant, lifetime access to 5 self-paced courses that will teach you the A to Z of real estate investing
The 11 Millionaire Secrets
to Successful Real Estate
Value $197.00

What separates the millionaire (and billionaire) real estate investors
from the ones who barely make ends meet?
You’ll find out in this course.
Golden Jump Start Nuggets
Value $297.00

Jump start your real estate investing journey… the right way. And discover:
- Why listening through a filter is limiting your thinking (and outcomes)
- My 3-step pregame formula that will help you become more proactive – and take ACTION
- Why failure doesn’t exist
- How to change your beliefs so you manifest money (yup, this actually works!)
- The questions to ask yourself to help you level the playing field – and ensure nothing holds you back from investing
Financial Freedom Protocol
Value $5,997.00

Ready to dive head-first into residential real estate? Get the 10-Day Quick Start Blueprint and success plan to get on the fast track to success.
Prefer to test the waters a bit first? We’ve got you covered with a 90-Day Game Plan.
- How to determine improvement costs – and evaluate after repair value (ARV)
- What the contract of sale looks like (it’s not nearly as complicated as you might think!)
- How to use the paper napkin analysis to determine if a deal is profitable
- How to save money on taxes by setting up an entity
- …And much more.
Modern Wealth Building Formula
Value $9,997.00

Hit “play” to find out how to use the Modern Wealth Building Formula
to become a successful real estate investor. And:
- Take advantage of market cycles to find profitable deals
- Reduce the risk of anything falling through the cracks (and prevent losses)
- Present to investors – and convince them to hand over their money
- Craft a letter of intent to lock the deal up (+ templates!)
- Recruit your dream team (to turn that dream project into reality)
- And so much more.
Real Estate Development Made Simple
Value $19,997.00

Get a step-by-step blueprint on how to develop land. From idea to occupancy.
But the extensive training is only a small part
of what you get when you join the Enterprise.
You also get…
A TENURE (10 year) of group mentoring 3X’s per month
(Two Hours Per Session).
To help you turn that fuzzy project idea into a full-blown investment.
6 hours/month @ $1,050 per hour
(One Year Value: $75,600.00)
This isn’t some “coaching” program where we never actually meet. Definitely not.
You get FULL access to me for as long as I’m alive and kicking. I mean that.
- • Three times per month, we’ll hop on Zoom for two hours.
- • One week per month, we’ll cover a real estate theme. And towards the end of the session, we’ll have a Q & A. So bring all your burning real estate questions!
- • Another week, I’ll bring in a special guest (someone who’s been successful in real estate). And they’ll share their unique perspective with the group.
- • One week per month, we’ll cover a real estate theme. And towards the end of the session, we’ll have a Q & A. So bring all your burning real estate questions!
- • During the last session of the month, we’ll have a membership spotlight call. Where one member of the group takes the hot seat – and shares where they want to go with real estate investing. Or… they might practice their sales pitch – while the rest of the group gives feedback.
When it’s your turn, YOU get the spotlight,
so you decide how you want to use that time.

Tom F.
Chris R.
Brent B.
Get forever access to a library of
all previous
call recordings and membership Q&A's
Value: Priceless
Can’t make a week? Want to catch up on previous weeks?
When you join, you’ll get immediate, forever access
to a library of all previous call recordings. Take a peek below…
One of the biggest reasons why people
LOVE the Enterprise? The Community.
Value: Priceless
When you join, you don’t just get access to me. You get access to 100+ individuals of the same caliber and energy as you. People who are on this real estate journey with you – and are willing to do whatever they can to help.
Just take a look at some of the talented individuals
who are already part of the community…

Ben Risser
- Syndicator of large multifamily real estate investments
- Completed almost $22M in multifamily real estate transactions
- as managed over $32M in valueadd multifamily real estate projects

Katherine Fox-Cunningham
- 30+ years of experience in housing, community planning and development
- Has managed over 260 units of substantial rehabilitation and new construction projects totaling over $40M
- Has managed over $10M per year in capital investments for managed units and organizational budgets of $3M per year

Brian Tourner
- 30+ years of experience in housing, community planning and development
- Has managed over 260 units of substantial rehabilitation and new construction projects totaling over $40M
- Has managed over $10M per year in capital investments for managed units and organizational budgets of $3M

Kaylene got next-level support from experienced investor
– and fellow Enterprise member –
Santi Rodriguez
“Santi’s wonderful. Just have to have somebody to hold my hand and guide me through the process. Someone who’s been there, done that. Who takes the time to be there with you, to help you. That’s been the biggest thing for me. I’m not alone in the process. I have people I can call – who think similarly who are even further up.”
~ Kaylene Richardson, pharmaceutical employee to real estate investor
5 self-paced courses that will
teach you the A to Z of real estate
- The 11 Millionaire Secrets to Successful Real Estate Investing and Expert Report: 60 Pitfalls to Real Estate Investing to Avoid
Valued at $197.00
- Golden Jump Start Nuggets
Valued at $297.00
- The "Financial Freedom Protocol" Digital Course
Valued at $5,997.00
- The "Modern Wealth Building Formula" Digital Course
Valued at $9,997.00
- The "Real Estate Development Made Simple" Digital Course
Valued at $19,997.00
- Group mentoring with Ken 3X’s per month (two hours per session) - Ken’s Hourly Rate is $1050/per hour
Annual Value: $75,600.00
- 70+ call recordings and Q&A sessions
- An exclusive community of successful real estate investors
Total Value:
One Year Program Cost:
Yours Today For:

Adam got the kick in the butt he needed to take a one-year sabbatical and go to Baltimore to buy properties
“It allowed me to make some big decisions and take massive action. [Before the program] I hadn’t thought about relocating [to Baltimore], taking a 1-year sabbatical… it was only around February 22nd that I thought about relocating for 1-year to Baltimore, going down there to buy a bunch of properties…. Joining the program helped me feel like “yes I CAN take massive action and it doesn’t matter that I don’t have a lot of funds in the bank. I can use other peoples’ money… I’m using lines of credit, business credit cards… It’s happening.
I’m DOING it. It’s awesome.”
~ Adam Chiocca, from school teacher to new entrepeneur and real estate investor
You can be as active or as passive as you want to.
Want to be hands-on and manage the investment project – and property – yourself?
I’ll teach you how.
Prefer to take a more passive role in the process,
and let someone else do most of the work for you?
No problem. You can be as passive or active of an investor as you want.
The “love it or else” money-back guarantee
If you don’t LOVE the Enterprise, I’ll give you your money back. All you have to do is send an email to X within the first 30 days of enrolling – and I’ll refund your money.

Testimonials & Connections

Divyah Parekh
Nine-time #1 international bestselling author, CEO, award-winning FORBES business advisor, and international speaker
“With 90% of millionaires becoming millionaires through real estate, why not increase the already irrefutable odds with a formula that shows you how to build a skyscraper? You learn from the top down with a new paradigm to perform every type of real estate investing.”

Steve Harrison
Co-Founder of the Quantum Leap Publicity and Marketing Program, original publicist for Robert Kiyosaki’s bestselling book Rich Dad Poor Dad
“Modern Wealth Building Formula gives the everyday investor a simple understanding of real estate investing and a shot at getting in the game.”

Rudolf Giuliani
Mayor of New York City
“Working with Ken was the first time in New York City’s history that we actually completed a major development project both on time and under budget.”

One major bonus of joining the Enterprise? You’ll discover how to build relationships with any type of personality
You’ll gain the self-awareness, confidence and skills to speak with anyone.
Which will have a positive ripple effect on all aspects of your life – both professional and personal.
Just one thing…
I don’t accept everybody into the Enterprise.
Are you a good fit?
- You’re ok with being told what to do (and know that you don’t have all the answers)
- You’re fully committed to real estate investing (I don’t accept quitters into this program)
- You’re willing to pay it forward and help other folks in the Enterprise once you succeed
- You understand that it takes TIME to build wealth - and aren’t looking for quick shortcuts
- You think “I already know everything about real estate investing. I don’t want this guy telling me what to do”
- You aren’t entirely sure if you want to invest in real estate
- You’re looking for a community where you can just take, take, take (and never give back)
- You’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme and expect to make millions overnight
In just 3 months (or less), you could be
the profits from your first investment
See how easy it is to get started.
Yes! I'm Ready to Join NOW!
Questions other hopeful investors had before joining the Enterprise - and generating a whole new stream of income
Honestly? I don’t do this for the money. 90% of my income comes from real estate investing so the money I make from coaching is a drop in the bucket comparatively.
So why do I do it?
Well personally, I’ve gotten a lot out of coaching and mentorship myself. There was one point in my life when I had nine coaches to guide me. Yup, NINE. Those coaches helped me have massive breakthroughs – and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.
Now, I want to pay it forward. And help others achieve the same success that I’ve had (only without making all the mistakes that I made along the way!).
My goal was to put this program at an accessible price point for everyone – because I know how it is to *want* to start investing but not have much money to do so.
One of my students told me that he joined a coaching program for $40k – and the so called coach never even showed his face.
I promise you: That will NOT happen with me.
With the Enterprise, you’ll pay $9,997 ONCE and get a Tenure of coaching and lifetime access to modules and the ecosystem (and you’ll be seeing so much of me that you’ll probably start to get sick of me!).
Yes! As an Enterprise member, you get access to the Financial Freedom Protocol course, which is focused entirely on wholesaling. Then on the coaching calls, we can go over any questions you have.
Yes! Whether you’re currently juggling five different real estate investments… or you’ve never invested a day in your life, the Enterprise will help ensure every investment you make from now on is a successful one.
It depends! You can put in as much as you have the time for. But generally, I recommend that students devote 3 -5 hours per week on attending the coaching sessions, soaking up all the training (watching the video modules) and doing the work (going after those deals!).
9 out of 10 people reading this will close out of this tab and convince themselves that they can invest in real estate
fine” on their own
They’ll keep grasping in the dark, turning to things like the Bigger Pockets forum, Facebook groups and friends for real estate advice.
(And they’ll keep getting vague, one-size-fits-all answers to their questions.)
They’ll stay stuck in overwhelm, not sure how to approach investors, analyze a deal or move that project forward (all the while losing out on money that they *could* be making).
They’ll keep making expensive mistakes. Underestimating costs, overspending, jumping into projects they don’t fully understand…
…Until one day, they (maybe) figure it out on their own.
Ready to seal a different fate?
One Where…
- You get the know-how and confidence to take on any real estate project (no matter how big)
- You eliminate the overwhelm and feeling of “what do I do next?”
- You get the mentorship, support and training you need to close highticket deals – again and again
Then I can’t WAIT to see you inside the Enterprise!
Start building *your* eight-figure real estate empire. Today!
- The 11 Millionaire Secrets to Successful Real Estate Investing and Expert Report: 60 Pitfalls to Real Estate Investing to Avoid
Valued at $197.00
- Golden Jump Start Nuggets
Valued at $297.00
- The "Financial Freedom Protocol" Digital Course
Valued at $5,997.00
- The "Modern Wealth Building Formula" Digital Course
Valued at $9,997.00
- The "Real Estate Development Made Simple" Digital Course
Valued at $19,997.00
- Group mentoring with Ken 3X’s per month (two hours per session) - Ken’s Hourly Rate is $1050/per hour
Annual Value: $75,600.00
- 70+ call recordings and Q&A sessions
- An exclusive community of successful real estate investors
Total Value:
One Year Cost:
Yours Today For:

Dolf De Roos
NY Times bestselling author:
“Real Estate Riches”
“When you see the legacy Ken built in New York City, it’s astonishing! If I was wearing a hat, I would take it off to him.”

Jack Canfield
Co-Creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul
“I know a billionaire who followed Ken’s formula.”

Carl Gould
International Entrepreneur of the Year
“The secret to success in wealth building is deconstructing the complex, and creating a simple blueprint to follow. He has engineered a process that will allow you to realize the same level of success that he has experienced. Well done Ken.”
Listen to what some of Ken's students have to say...
Jeremy F.
Brent B.
Tom F.
Vasu S.
Brooke V.

The only place you have to be in Real Estate.